OBD-II scanners come in all shapes, sizes, features and prices. Scanners can be very simple and just read OBD codes and cost just a few dollars. On the other end of the spectrum a scanner can send commands to the car, read multiple sensors and display graphs, work on 10,000+ makes and models over many years and cost multiple thousands of dollars. It can help save hundreds of dollars or just have a peace of mind when taking you car to the shop.

Here at ScannerCompare, we like to classify scanners into a few categories.

Budget Scanners

These scanners typically run under $100 and do very basic functions like reading OBD codes (typically from a Check Engine Light). Some budget scanners can also display sensor data and graph on the display.


A step up from Budget, these scanners typically do all that budget scanners can do but also can do bi-directional functions like moving a window up and down, turning lights on/off without using the controls on the car to help isolate whether a problem is with a switch, motor, light or something else. These tools can show more detailed information and can connect to cars that require on-line connections to manufacturers and enhanced graphing.

Professional Scanners

Professional scanners are typically used by full-time mechanics and have lots of features and typically require yearly subscriptions to keep up with the latest models and features. Some of these scanners can even diagram out the flow of the sensors and channels (called Topology) which can help identify significant problems quicker. Some of these scanners can also do Diesel engine functions (like purge) work with cars that support DOIP and sometimes even do EV car diagnostics as well.



Articles here on ScannerCompare are to help you decide which scanner is best for your situation. Feel free to reach out support@scannercompare.com if you have a specific question.



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